PROFESSIONAALSED lahendused ja PERSONAALNE lähenemine.
Kodulehed, e-poed, rakendustarkvara, mobiilsed rakendused, tarkvaraarendus, ettevõtete äriprotsesside automatiseerimine.
Web based applications are the ultimate way to take advantage of today's technology to enhance your organizations productivity & efficiency. Web based application gives you an opportunity to access your business information from anywhere in the world at anytime. It also facilitates you to save time & money and improve the interactivity with your customers and partners.
It allow your administration staff to work from any location and sales staff to access information remotely 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With a computer, pad or phone connected to the Internet, a web browser and the right user name and password you can access the systems from any location.
Web-based applications are easy to use and can be implemented without interrupting your existing work process. Whether you need a content managed solution or an e-commerce system, we can develop a customized web application that fulfills your business requirements.
Let us assist you in making a seamless transition into the e-business world.
The acceptance rate of mobile devices, particularly smartphones, has been extremely high in the past 10 years to the point we can now consider these devices a large source of technological development and business opportunity. Mobile applications are one of the main reasons these devices are so attractive to both the end user market as well as the business market
Every business should be thinking about building mobile applications today. It’s not a fad or a passing trend. It’s customer service.
By offering a free mobile application to your customers you are differentiating yourself from your competitors who aren’t thinking this way. You're saying to your customers: “Once you’re part of my community you’ll be treated specially. You can access us anytime from anywhere with our mobile app and get whatever information you need. Because we value your time.”
You can use the mobile application to provide special incentives to my customers. And even if the mobile application is not widely adapted, you are at the very least giving some of your customers who prefer to do business this way a process that’s desirable for them.
It’s all about choices. And ease. And time. Customers appreciate that.
DMS is a professional web design company that developes websites that look great, function well, and are poised for traffic. We work as consultants, providing advice, feedback, and ideas to help ensure your business ends up with the perfect website. Rather than boxing you into one specific website solution, our team takes on a custom web design project by determining what your goals are.
Having a professional website is an absolute must. It can be the difference between going out of business or absolutely flourishing. Virtually all businesses, regardless of the company type or size, have a large portion of their success tied directly to how good their website is. Your website is your business. For some companies, the website is the store-front and the only representation of the business. For others, it is the core of their online identity.
A professional website represents your brand. It educates people on who you are, what you do, and why someone should use you. All while opening the door to many new prospects.
Getting started is easy. You can call us or email us to discuss your project with a consultant. We will go through all the details involved with your web design project and provide you with a quote, turnaround time, and free consultation.
Social Media Marketing requires a fresh, innovative approach compared to other traditional marketing techniques. We offer a wealth of Social Media Marketing experience which enables us to create original and engaging social media campaigns for your business or brand.
Social Media Marketing is more than simply setting up a Facebook page or Twitter account. The “build it and they will come” approach will simply not work. You need a carefully devised strategy to attract audiences, rally them into action, encourage them to spread the word and keep them coming back.
Social Media Marketing is about creating an engaging presence for your brand across as many social media platforms as possible. We know how each of these social networks work and can create a strategy that integrates all the relevant social media channels for your brand. We can effectively connect you with your customers… like never before.